Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Brain interface device

Check out this brain interface device It allows you to control your computer as fast as thought. It doesn't really read thoughts, so you have to do some training to prepare to use it, but it shows interesting possibility. Watching Star Trek, they talk to their computer, but wouldn't it be easier if you could just think to the computer? This device reads up to six ranges of alpha and beta brainwaves, plus eye and facial muscle movements, to allow a decent amount of control, but it isn't even a full keyboard yet, so it can't replace the keyboard and mouse just yet.

You have to use biofeedback to train your alpha and beta brainwaves to act like you want them to, the article says that they feel proficient after about a month, and compare it to learning to type on a keyboard. Anyway, it sounds interesting to me, but maybe not until it has been out a while, and gets cheaper than $300...

Monday, July 7, 2008


We began our staycation today by visiting the zoo. I've heard that it's more popular this year. I know that we would rather spend money on doing fun things, than on gas or plane tickets, so that we could sit in a hotel room for a couple of days, trying to find free activities.

My oldest boy took some pictures of my wife and me at the zoo. We spent most of the day at the zoo, and still didn't get in to see everything, so maybe the kids will want to go back again. The zoo seemed pretty busy, so maybe everyone else is trying the same thing. If almost everyone stopped driving on vacation, I wonder what that would do to the oil industry. I keep hoping that the price of gas will go back down, but I'm not holding my breath.

Even though it isn't a full vacation away from home, it is already helping me out. I am feeling less stress already, and it is only the first day :) It seems like I have been sick quite a bit lately, and maybe it is just the stress has weakened my immune system. I was asked the other day if I take vitamins, and yes I do, and I think they do help somewhat, but I haven't had significant consecutive time off of work for probably five years. Yes, I've taken time off after my wife had a baby, but that is such a stressful time, I never really felt rested and ready to go back to work. I just need this time to enjoy my family, and relax, and not worry about anything for a week.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

This little girl never needs to sleep it seems, even when we do. Here we are wearing the same clothes, at about 11pm, with all the other children in bed, this little girl still looks wide awake and happy. I have just spent two weeks with quite a bit of overtime, and then my wife decides to work for three days straight. With Independance Day festivities, including late fireworks yesterday, I am all worn out. I haven't had a week off of work for about three years now, so it is about time, and I'm excited for our vacation next week.

My wife says that this little girl looks like me, but I'm not seeing the resemblance in this picture. I have heard both that she looks like me, and that she looks like Becca. Looking at the baby pictures, she definitely looks more like my oldest son than like the two middle children, but we probably won't know too much until she is a bit older.