Saturday, July 5, 2008

This little girl never needs to sleep it seems, even when we do. Here we are wearing the same clothes, at about 11pm, with all the other children in bed, this little girl still looks wide awake and happy. I have just spent two weeks with quite a bit of overtime, and then my wife decides to work for three days straight. With Independance Day festivities, including late fireworks yesterday, I am all worn out. I haven't had a week off of work for about three years now, so it is about time, and I'm excited for our vacation next week.

My wife says that this little girl looks like me, but I'm not seeing the resemblance in this picture. I have heard both that she looks like me, and that she looks like Becca. Looking at the baby pictures, she definitely looks more like my oldest son than like the two middle children, but we probably won't know too much until she is a bit older.


Juliet said...

I love the matching outfits! Have fun on your vacation and try to get some ZZZ's!

Becca said...

Ha ha ha dear! You're so funny! Right now it is 11:22 yet again and you are sleeping on the floor with Macey rolling all around next to you! It is true she doesn't want to sleep! I should take a picture of you, but I won't....