Sunday, May 11, 2008

Don't Fast Forward Through life

Macey likes sleeping only while we are holding her, and while I was sick and in my jammies, Becca decided to take this picture. I was just trying to pass the time until I could feel better, but I couldn't ignore the baby while Becca tried to take care of the house, so she ended up sleeping while I played on the computer.

I have gone through some tough times in my life, and my escape has been video games. I think that it helped me survive at times, however life is pretty good now (at least when I am not sick) so I shouldn't need video games anymore. However, I am addicted to video games. Once I start playing, I have a hard time stopping. It tends to be okay if I get a bunch of things done, and then play for an hour to relax, but if I get started on Saturday morning, I end up doing nothing with my entire day.
We recently saw the movie Click, where the main character ends up fast forwarding through his entire life. I realized that when I start playing games, I am sort of fast forwarding. I accomplish almost nothing, I take care of the kids basic needs, but I am not paying enough attention to them. I am not accomplishing my home improvement projects, yard work, extra work to help me get ahead, or anything else.
I am going to be limiting my time on the computer, and trying to accomplish more. In the past I felt like I needed more time to myself, working and going to school, but now things are different, and I haven't changed with how my life has changed.
I think that video games can be good, they can bring people together, they can improve hand eye coordination and problem solving skills. But in excess they cause problems because you aren't improving anything, you aren't getting together with people anymore, in fact the people in your life can feel alienated.


Becca said...

Hi dear! I love you dear! I know you want to be good! Don't worry, I waste a lot of my time cleaning, but at least I hope part of that is a good thing. I'll help you! You can help me clean so I don't waste so much time doing that, then you won't have time to play on the computer, and then we can both spend more time doing things that will matter.

Juliet said...

I liked that movie a very good point. Oh and it's so cute that she will sleep on you while you are playing on the computer!

Sally and Paul said...

I am the same way with Freecell. I really have to limit my time playing it.

Rachel said...

i loved reading this blog. i actually started freaking out last week in a conversation w/ nick about how i was afraid that technology had become such a big deal in our house... me on the computer...and him playing video games. anyway, i completely agree with you... and i love the movie click. really good moral comes out of that movie.