Tuesday, April 15, 2008

American Idol

So, the big excitement around here is for David Archuleta, who is doing us proud here in Murray. I think he is really doing well, although I'm not sure if he will win it all, I do also like Carly Smithson and David Cook, and Kristy Lee Cook adds the Country dimension. They all did fairly well tonight, at least I thought so. I do miss Amanda Overmyer, I thought she was consistently good.

Tonight was American Idol night at our house. We all like to listen to the songs, even though they are sometimes (*cough* Brook *cough*) less than appealing. Sayesha tends to be somewhat boring, and Kristy did fairly well tonight, but she doesn't seem to be consistent. I do like having some country, and I hope that she stays around until the final four at least. After that I'm going to have to make some hard decisions on who is my favorite. Oh, and I forgot about Jason Castro... he sounds all right, I liked his Somewhere Over the Rainbow song, but mostly he is, as Simon likes to put it, "forgettable."


Becca said...

I liked Michael John who they kicked off last week! Boo!!!!!

I still like the 2 Davids and Carly. The rest can go.

Summie said...

I can't believe that you like Amanda overmyer or whatever her names is. yuck Troy she was bad personally I don't know how she got on the show. her voice made me hurt inside. I too liked Micheal john and was sad to see him go. he should have never been kicked off. the Davids are good and I really like Carly. the other blond girls are getting old and there time is up on the show.

Willowkist said...

David is AWESOME! Did you hear him sing Robbie Williams "Angels"? Simon said it is one of the best pop songs because he's totally friends with Robbie Williams! But it was good. I hope he sings "Close Every Door to Me" tonight for Andrew Lloyd Weber night!