Friday, April 11, 2008

The Boredom Begins

See how bored we all look?
I wanted to write stuff on the family blog, but my wife thought that it was much too boring, so she suggested I could have a boring blog somewhere. My wife picked the name, but hopefully it won't be boring for everybody... I'll probably post stuff on technology stories that I like, political junk that no one wants to listen to, and maybe books that I've read. I might post stuff about programming tips, or maybe I'll collect some kind of online resume.

I know what you're thinking (at least what my wife is thinking):

It's actually amazing that my wife and I are together, unless you believe that Paula Abdul song that opposites attract. Our interests are different, she's extremely neat and organized, while I'm a bit of a slob. But we love each other, and we sure make cute kids ;)

Well, maybe I'll be able to find like minded people, and we can help each other in cyber space. Or maybe this will just be someplace to vent.


Becca said...

BORING!!!!!!!!!!! Hee hee hee hee!!!!!!! That's OK dear, I still love you!

Juliet said...

Yeah for you. I hope you have fun. I'm sure some one will be interested in what you have to say!

Sally and Paul said...

I think it is good for you to have our own blog. They are fun and show everyone's different personalities

{natalie} said...

i think it's good for you to have a personal space/outlet. quit calling yourself boring or people will think you are...and you're not.