Monday, April 14, 2008

Technological Ingenuity

Inserting a writeable DVD
Wouldn't it be nice if all that carbon dioxide contributing to global warming were turned into DVDs? Of course carbon dioxide isn't the greatest worry, since it is about the least potent green house gas. All the methane produced by cows is much more potent at creating a greenhouse effect, methane gas is 20 times more effective at trapping heat.
Of course we will also be able to reduce our pollution by buying cars that get more than 100 mpg. There are other vehicles in the works for the competition from the X Prize Foundation.

Possibly boring personal opinion ramblings follow: Beware.

I like these ideas. I believe that it is more important to create good economic reasons to save the environment, rather than have the government force things upon us. I don't like the haze across the valley, but we need less force, and more logical ways to proceed than we hear from many politicians and environmentalists. They seem more intent on stopping all progress than on giving solutions that make sense. We can't just stop doing everything, because people still need to work, and eat, and improve.

Things are different today than way back when we couldn't cut down the forest fast enough. There are more people on the Earth, there is more technology, and more potential than ever before. We can't go back now, we need to move forward. We still need to try to be good stewards of what we have, and not always choose the most destructive ways to solve problems, but having us all go back to hunter gatherers just isn't going to work.


Summie said...

your right troy I think that the world need to step things up. we have all this knowlege but are not doing much about it. I mean now companiese are going green and cars are not giving off so much fumes but i still think there is more that can be done.

Becca said...

hi dear! You're so smart and scientific in all this stuff you're putting on your blog. I can't read it though cause it's like reading a science book. But I'm sure it's all good......

Sally and Paul said...

ok, this post is not too interesting to me. Maybe a little boring?